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Sicilia d'oriente

Sicilia d'oriente is a Sicilian brand (Italy) that creates and manufactures its products exclusively in Sicily.

It was born with the intent of exalting, as excellence of the territory, its production of coffe Sicilian, the typical bags created with dwarf palm leaves woven by hand.

Our Coffa

We love to decorate and decorate it as if it were a work of art, with elements that recall our beautiful island. The coffees become unique pieces appreciated all over the world.

craftsmanship and tradition

craftsmanship and tradition

We respect the tradition by producing our models entirely by hand, they reflect 100% the themes of Sicilian and Baroque period

Made in Sicily

Made in Sicily

The products are the real exaltation of Made in Sicily, a luxury to take away after a trip to Sicily.

Materiali pregiati

Materiali pregiati

From fabrics to accessories, everything is carefully selected among precious, luxurious elements, which make our coffa an accessory that leaves its mark.

Our unique pieces

The uniqueness of our coffees lies not only in the use of carefully selected materials, in the reinterpretation of each individual component for greater tightness and a higher quality but especially in the production of each piece, made entirely by hand. All creations, therefore, differ from each other for a detail, a nuance, an imperfection, to be considered a special feature and not a defect.