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Vie Fashion Week Dubai

In the crowded streets of Dubai, among bright lights and the noise of global fashion, the brand “Sicilia d’Oriente” by the brothers Michael and Aurelio Puglisi has recently caught the attention during the prestigious “Vie Fashion Week”, thanks to the brilliant fusion of art, culture and creativity carried out by the two young entrepreneurs.

Michael, multifaceted figure and founder of the brand, as well as renowned dancer and international champion, has collaborated with his fashion coordinator and brother Aurelio Puglisi to present to the world their exclusive creations. The brand, born during the tumultuous days of lockdown, has proven to be much more than just a fashion label: it is an authentic expression of craftsmanship, style and innovation.

In this article published in the newspaper “La Sicilia”: the triumph of the Puglisi brothers and the way they transformed the Dubai catwalk into a stage for the authenticity and the unique elegance of the Sicilian “coffe”.



“In Dubai the Sicilian coffe of brothers Michael and Aurelio Puglisi”

Sicily triumphs in Dubai, where in recent days the “Vie Fashion Week” was held among the top five most important fashion events in the world.
Two young brothers, Michael Puglisi, entrepreneur and fashion designer and Aurelio fashion coordinator, brought the lotus brand Sicilia D’Oriente to win the award “The best Runway in Dubai”.
Michael is also the founder of the brand, born during lockdown.
Dancer and international champion, at Fashion Week she also danced with Sara La Rosa.
Sicilia D’Oriente manufactures its products exclusively handmade, are the coffe (bags) Sicilian that today export worldwide.